> i'm crazy foR yOu!
Author: aLmich
Earlier this afternoon, H took me to the park infront of the hotel where her Aunt stays. We were having a good time fooling and talking about almost everything when we noticed two crackheads making out on a park bench. I can’t understand why two adults would think it’s appropriate to make out in front of a bunch of kids at the park, or why you would want to make out with someone who has no teeth. Crackheads are something else.
Today is just one of those days. I woke up with a headache and this heavy feeling in my chest. I’m so tired and I really want nothing more than to stay home, go to bed and cry myself to sleep. And then sleep for hours and wake up feeling human. I hate being in this mood. UGH! I need sleep, or a good laugh, or a hug. I have a lot of problems and simple things like these would really mean the world.
One consolation? Rhon, Agnes and I talked about the movie I just saw this morning. The Love of Siam. The Love I have for Tong [pun intended].