> habiT muSing

Author: aLmich

Over the last few days I realized how many things in my day-to-day life are habits. I think we create habits to help us feel safe: we take the same route to work; we shampoo, condition, and wash in the shower in the same order every day; we check certain websites with an eerie regularity. It’s harder to break some habits than others and we find that stepping out of our comfort zone in extreme ways may cause us great anxiety. All the more reason to push ourselves to do away with such habits. I could easily make a long list of those I want to break and ones I want to create. Some habits I have decided to give up and replace with new ones. Actually, I think I’m developing a new habit. I’m a bit scared by it, and I had initially decided it was probably one I shouldn’t adopt so quickly. But sometimes, you need new habits to replace old ones. And other times, you realize that a habit is good for you.

For the next few days I’ll be assessing myself and jot down these habits. Another post will be created for this. Maybe you can also create yours?


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