> You Think You're Fat?

Author: aLmich

A friend once told me, “keep in mind that each person’s body is unique and you will be happier if you accept yourself for the way you are. Do not compare yourself to others, especially models in magazines. Many of these models are either blessed with extraordinary genetics, living unhealthy life styles, or are air-brushed in magazines to make them look even skinnier than they actually are”.

I was watching the Tyra Banks show earlier through YouTube, it was about how people are judgmental about each other’s weights and how it would feel to walk in another person’s weight for a day. It caught my attention because I have long been dying to really lose weight. Some of my friends tell me that I don’t need to lose weight because I don’t look fat at all but my inner self tells otherwise. It was easy to comprehend how a skinny girl can wear a fat suit and some prosthetics to make herself look obese, but making an obese girl look skinny, that was a challenge. What they did was to make the fat girl look like she’s wearing a badly-fitting fat suit. She went to a party while “wearing” the fat suit, and showed everyone digitally manipulated photos of her looking thin, telling them that that was actually her true weight. The comments directed towards the obese girl [who everyone thought was a skinny girl in a fat suit] were really offensive. Comments like “she’s too fat for me to date”, and many more.

The skinny girl who was actually wearing a real fat suit was struggling to move around all day. Everything is a struggle, from finding clothes that fit, to walking, to dating. The skinny girl actually had the temerity to say that skinny girls like her face as much discrimination as the fat ones. Tyra made a good point when she said that yeah, skinny girls may get discriminated sometimes, but not in the same way that fat girls are. Especially not when all kinds of media print out photos of women who are skinny and pass it off as the only acceptable body-type.

People attempt to lose weight through many ways. Whether it’s a diet pill that works, gastric bypass, or doing it naturally, the desire to change the way you look is sometimes a bittersweet feeling to have. Your goal will lead you to a path filled with many challenges, and the easiest way to get through it is to have the support of the people you love. I have always been saying that you must decide to lose weight for all the right reasons. For me, it is primarily a decision you make about what kind of life you want to live.

Summer is already here and every one is trying to really look their best but let’s take your other view on these things. How do you feel seeing those not-so-sexy people on their swimsuits? bad? or you don’t even care? I think the best critic that we have is only our own selves. Other people don’t even give a damn.


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