> American IDOL-ing
Author: aLmich
Di talaga ako maka - American Idol dati, maybe because I never had the chance to completely follow each episode. But ever since we moved in to our new apartment [not to discredit Ate Erlynn, Ingrid and Roan's of course!], I started to indulge more on TV programs, one of which is American I dol. My bet? sparky Jordin.. who else?
Last night, the show went on backtracking how rigid the competition and qualification had been... 100,000 down with 2 to go. It was the night we have all been waiting for since auditions began in January and tomorrow night "WE" [*feeling] crown our champion but first Blake and Jordin will go head to head each singing 3 songs including the Idol Single. Who will be the winner tomorrow night? My money so as Nate's is on Jordin but anything can and could happen as it has happened in previous weeks. Ladies and Gents, sit back, relax and enjoy the finale.
Song Selections
1) Favorite Performance
2) Idol Single
3) New Song/ Performance
Round 1
Name : Blake Lewis
Song Title : You Give Love a Bad Name [Favorite Performance]
Judges Thoughts : [R] I give you a 10 out of 10 on the beat boxing, the singing was just all right. [P] You outdid yourself. I wish I give you more than a 10. [S] Not the best singer in the competition but you are the best performer. The singing was a bit flat but it doesn’t matter, it was your best performance.
Mine : I wasn’t a fan of this performance the first time around and hearing it a second time didn’t change my mind. No doubt Blake has talent and what he did with the song is truly amazing. He could sell that as a single tomorrow and make money, it just isn’t my thing. I love the beatbox antics though.
Name : Jordin Sparks
Song Title : Fighter [New Performance]
Judges Thoughts : [R] Interesting night tonight. Not your greatest entertainment thing but your voice was stellar. [P] Knew it would be the best finale ever. You were stellar. [S] Great you chose a younger song but the vocals were a bit shrieky in the middle. Round 1 to Blake.
Mine : Hated it. It was nice to see Jordin stay away from old fashioned and try something new but it wasn’t the right song choice.
Round 2
Name : Blake Lewis
Song Title : She Will Be Loved [New Performance]
Judges Thoughts : [R] Great song and a very nice vocal. Very nice. [P] The first number is done. You sounded great, relaxed. [S] It was good. It was safe. It wasn’t as good as the first performance and I wouldn’t have chose that song for the final.
Mine : His Maroon 5 performance from the other night was so much better. Maybe its just being in the Kodak Theater but the vocals just don’t sound right tonight.
Name : Jordin Sparks
Song Title : A Broken Wing [Favorite Performance]
Judges Thoughts : [R] I have loved you since day 1. The most talented 17 year old. Better than the original, flawless. [P] You are a great vocal voice tonight. [S] Now that was good.
Mine : That was the Jordin I like. Not the Christina Aguilera wannabe. Just a beautiful vocal. Maybe a little country would suit her career well.
Round 3
Name : Blake Lewis
Song Title : This Is My Now [Idol Single]
Judges Thoughts : [R] You did a pretty good job with it. [P] I think you have a great voice and you did a great job on the song. [S] I thought it was a little odd, all the jumping around. Not a bad song just not something you would sing.
Mine : One of the better Idol Single songs. Nice to see the fans get to cash in on American Idol, too bad it seemed Blake was off the entire song. Either that or there was some sort of technical difficulties. That performance wouldn’t shit at a county fair. Poor way for Blake to close.
Name : Jordin Sparks
Song Title : This Is My Now [Idol Single]
Judges Thoughts : [R] You were the best singer tonight. You deserve it all. [P] You make me proud. You have a lot to be proud of. [S] Last week I didn’t think you were good enough to make the finals and publicly I want to say now I was wrong. You just wiped the floor with Blake on that song.
Mine : The Idol Single round by far goes to Jordin. Of course it is a song more geared for her voice versus Blake’s but still this is for all the marbles. Way to go Jordin.
My Round 1 Winner : Blake Lewis
My Round 2 Winner : Jordin Sparks
My Round 3 Winner : Jordin Sparks
My Pick to Win : Jordin Sparks
There you have it. The performances are complete. It is all in the Americans hands [sana puwede din tayo bumoto no?]. Who will be crowned American Idol and who will be sent home? It’s anyones game at this point and I think the numbers will be close. I do think that Jordin will pull off the victory.
You may leave your thoughts pipol.