> cocKroach's sucCesS
Author: aLmich
Can you imagine using cockroach's ordeal as a career tip? I know, I've posted once here of my "weird friendship" with the kind. I don't know if I'm being insane but posting one again that includes it wont hurt, wouldn't it? Try to read on, you might learn something *hehehe. So either you hate it or love it. Don't worry, I'll try not to meddle...
The cockroach has managed to survive everything nature and man has thrown at him for millions of years: pesticides, predators, radiation, volcanoes, floods...you name it. You must be like a cockroach when it comes to selling your talents to the world. No matter how many times you get sprayed with doubt, insults, sneaky competitors, slurs, sudden changes in the marketplace… after each and every seemingly lethal spray of negativity, you must wipe off your antennae.... then keep on going. Indeed, you must use each spray as a spirit strengthener to build up a stronger tolerance for dealing with future sprays of negativity. You must refuse to die.