> hoW to tricK a geNie
Author: aLmich
Since we don't have that much leads to call on. I decided to sneak on using the internet while waiting for the next "American" to pick up the phone. I got this cool story so I thought of sharing it.
Once there was this guy [lemme re-name him AL para maganda] who was walking along the beach... when he saw what appeared to be a genie bottle in the sand. He bent down, and on a what-the-hell whim, rubbed the bottle. Sure enough a genie came floating out.
"Geez, it's claustrophobic in there," she said.
"Thanks for getting me out. In appreciation, I will grant you one wish."
"Hey! Isn't it three wishes?" AL asked.
"No, no, it's just one," said the genie.
"Hmm," said AL. "How about if I make my one wish that I get three wishes?"
"Sorry, honey," said the genie. "I'm onto that trick. It's just one wish. And while you're deciding, can I borrow your sunblock. It's so bright and hot out here."
Begrudgingly AL handed the genie his sunblock, while he pondered what one wish he wanted most. He could ask for a red Lambourghini. That would be fun. Or a mansion in Malibu wouldn't suck. Or a hunky guy to share the house and car with. No wait, he reminded himself, he could only pick one wish. Damn this genie. And that's when it hit him. HE FOUND A GENIE LOOPHOLE!
"You ready yet, honey?"the genie prodded him.
"Yes, I'm ready," said AL, "I now know what to ask for to get every wish I could ask for. My wish is to be happy. Because happiness is REALLY what I'm looking for in every wish I can think up. So when you grant me happiness I'll actually be getting everything I want in one wish."
"Not bad," said the genie. "You're a smart guy!"
"Thanks," said AL, "Oh, and I love your outfit!"
Then the genie tapped AL on his head with his sunblock, and AL got his wish. Voila. Happiness.