> faLLing saFeLy
Author: aLmich
Few days ago [let's call him] Clark gave me my 2nd session on iceskating [had the 1st one with JB]. And interestingly... the first thing I learned when learning to skate was NOT how to skate! [I thought nag-gagaling galingan lang siya or nag-tatalitalinuhan lang]... What my "skating instructor", Clark, first taught me was how to fall safely. He showed me if I must land on my butt, there's a safe way to land on my butt minus the literal basag na bungo. Ditto if I were to land on my side and toosh. Clark's goal: remove my fear of falling so when I finally was up on the skates, I'd feel safe to move my body freely. I'd be relaxed... able to have fun... and even feel comfy about trying risky, adventurous skating maneuvers because I'd know that no matter what might happen to me I'd fall down safely! Well, this same metaphor also applies big time to life. We all need to become confident in our abilities to deal with any crisis and/or obstacle that might surprise us so we can happily live the most courageous, risk- taking, adventurous juicy life possible. For this reason, I believe gaining trust in oneself to “land safely” in any situation is one of the most important lessons we need to self-teach ourselves if we want to pursue our passions and goals with the vigor needed to snag 'em! Do you believe in your ability to "land safely" in a relationship, a job situation, a creative venture? Sa relationship wala ako takot, or as my friends put it, play safe lang ako palagi or should I say insensitive? After few failed relationships, I remember writing a list to bolster my self-confidence about why should I know for a fact that no matter what happens to me, I'll have the vigor, cajones, smarts, and mindset to not only ride life's destructive factors... but fall safely if thrown... and stand up swiftly again for more fun and adventure! I guess that helped me face failure relationships better and be able to face life in a more positive way. I wish I can apply the same attitude in every aspect of my life... I'm still praying.