> feaR facTor

Author: aLmich

I ’ll admit, I love watching Fear Factor on TV. I make it sure I’ll be able to watch it when time permits. Even now, I’ll catch repeats of the show and watch in fascination as entrants eat disgusting things like beetles, pig testicles, and fish eyes, or dangle from staggering heights while doing a stunt, wrangle with alligators, or be buried alive with scorpions, snakes, rats, spiders, or other creepy-crawlies.

While watching one of these Fear Factor earlier, as Roan and I were having our dinner, it got me thinking of what my Fear Factor might be. I’m not that afraid of eating gross things – I would just choose not to. Heights do bother me, but I can work that, and I could probably handle having bugs crawling all over me. Again, it’s not something I would volunteer to do, but those aren’t things that make my heart pound in fear. I’m one of those people that can put myself “in the zone” when I have to do something that I don’t like to do like getting shots. I used to fear needles, but learned to make myself relax enough that I can handle getting a shot now. So, after giving the question serious thought, I realized that there are two things that strike real fear in me: The first thing is the fear of drowning. Maybe brought about by my childhood experiences on water. My Lolo have this “trip” on bringing on his apos to deeper part of the water even though we’re already turning blue. For me, there is just something about the thought of being under water and not being able to breathe that makes my chest hurt, or being trapped underwater somehow. It’s just something that makes me queasy just to think about! The other thing that I’m really, really afraid of is aggressive dogs. The kind that lift their upper lip when they snarl and show sharp teeth. Now, this fear is based on a personal aggressive dog experience when I was a little boy [*mind the "boy" tag], and has stayed with me ever since. At the time, I was 10 years old and I was on my way home from school with a friend [who was riding his bike]. There were two boys on the school grounds, and their dog was barking viciously along the chain link fence that separated me from the dog. He obviously wanted a piece of me *hehehe. Well, the boys took their rabid dog and dropped him over the fence to my side, and the dog chased me down, growling and fangs bared, and bit me in the butt! I ended up crying out loud with an old lady treating me her magical bawang, but thank God I didn’t have to go through a series of rabies shots. There was also a time when a friend of mine [nates] made me his shield from the vicious dogs on our way down from Makambang. However, the incident truly traumatized me. Now, whenever I’m near a snarling, vicious dog, my hair stands on end, my heart beats hard and fast, and I become paralyzed with fear.

So tell me, what are your personal fears for yourself? What are you most afraid of? What sends chill chills up your spine and puts your adrenaline in danger zone? Oh, please don't tell me losing your boyfriend...


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