I thought i'm done crying. First was Nates' leaving for UAE, now... Jonathan Kent's death. I haven't cried on any TV or movie show for the longest time. But earlier's episode made me. Whew! talking about

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teleseryeness *hehehe. It's often a bit of a tease when a show promises a death. Ever since so long ago when Beverly Hills 90210 promised that "one of their own" would die and then killed off Silver's friend in the cowboy hat, I've learned not to expect too much. Last night's 100th episode had Clark whisking Lana off to his secret lair, confessing all and popping the question. She makes him wait for a little while and then agrees to marry him. All seems to be perfect, Mr. Kent wins the election and is now Senator Kent, Lana is welcomed into the Kent family and it's good feelings all around. But wait, we are only a half hour in. Lana's phone rings, Lex beckons and next we see Lana at the Luthor lair talking to Lex lit by firelight. He finds out she knows Clark's secret, she runs off and he tosses his drink into the fire. Next we see Lana driving away, calling Clark, Lex pulls up behind her, a rather rocking schoolbus with a distracted driver is crossing and intersection and bam, smash. No more Lana. Clark zooms in to see his broken and bloodied beloved. Of course we know Clark won't let this stand. Anyone who has seen the Superman movies might assume Clark is going to spin the world backward to reverse time but this time it's more simple. He is given a crystal that he can use but he is warned that the balance must be maintained. Now I spend the rest of the episode wondering who is going to be taken instead. He choose to save Lana and finds himself at the start of yesterday. Lana tells him they need to take a break from each other. Clark confesses what he's done to Chloe who doesn't believe him at first but then agrees to tail Lana around for the day. Once again Lex calls, Lana goes running, a car chase ensues but this time Clark manages to save her by slowing down the bus. Meanwhile at the Kent farm. Mr. Kent has a confrontation with Lionel Luthor. Mr. Kent vows to pay back the money that Lex's dad gave to his election but then is shown a picture of something incriminating. He crumples up the picture and punches Lionel. Afterwards, he staggers a bit. We see him walk away and Lionel's bloodied hand grab the crumpled photo. As Clark and Mrs. Kent arrive home, Jonathan Kent walks out into the driveway, looks lovingly at his family, and dies in their arms. Clark is understandably upset and fells as if he caused it but even after he explains everything, his mother forgives him. I'll miss seeing John Schneider on this show but I think that the death of Mr. Kent might make Clark more of a man and polarize the tension between the Luthors and the Kents.


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