> on FREE wi-Fi

Author: aLmich

Twice I’ve heard about this... I didn’t pay attention then. But when Rina Jimenez-David wrote an article about it, I tried and yes, it’s true. Sadly.

When you see signs in coffee shops, restaurants or other establishments offering “free Wi-Fi service”, don’t believe them. What the signs really mean is that a customer can avail of Wi-Fi [wireless internet service] but only in exchange for a certain amount of food, beverage or goods, and only for a limited period. None of which, by the way, the signs or the counter people will tell you when you avail of their “free” Wi-Fi. The truth is, to be able to avail this, you need to make at least P200 worth of purchase. A slip of paper then comes along with the username and password. So when you see a “free Wi-Fi” sign again, think twice.

Good thing, my work doesn’t require “take homes”. Once I log out, I’m totally out. I’ll just worry again when our biometric say “Good Morning Al”.


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