Ces Drilon, her cameraman Jimmy Encarnacion and MSU professor Octavio Dinampo were finally released from captive. Soon as I heard the news, great relief was felt.

I know how it feels to have one of your family members be held in captive. My father was once kidnapped by the NPAs for 40 days. I don’t really have that tight bond with my Father but seeing my MOM acting like crazy made me wish and pray for his return.

Thank GOD for the answered prayers. I hope this will be a start of a better relationship between us and the Mindanao people.

I’m with them to share hope with enduring peace in that area.

For complete information check this link : http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/nation/view/20080618-143262/UPDATE-2-Ces-Drilon-companions-free


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