> arTe!
Author: aLmich
WTF, Powtangina, Funyeta, Fuck, Sheez, etc…
I’ve been making a conscious effort to cut back on the profanity at work, on my blog, at service crews. Impressionable minds don’t need to listen to my foul mouth and it doesn’t add a whole lot to the conversation. I also think it’s about time I come up with some new adjectives and adverbs to use, all while reserving profanity for times when I really want to get my point across or hurt someone’s feelings. While I adjust, I anticipate a lot of prancing about screaming “fu fu fu” at the top of my lungs. It’s a process, I tell you.
So what do I do when I hear someone talking like his a BIG cono who does not know anything but mag-inarte and magma-feeling? Trust me, I heard a lot. “Paano kung…”, “Bakit kailangan mag-ganito…”, “Mahirap ba yon?…”, “Kaya ko ba ‘yon?…”, etc, echosera, puro ka-artehan, puro ka-plastikan…
Pownyeta! I thought matalino ka? and please, you don’t look like you came from the family of the Royals of Brunei who are being carried avoiding earth to touch their pinkish soles, fed on golden plates and bathe on milk and honey.
You were born with the mountains, crowing roosters, sinangag na kanin and poverty surrounding you. I believe you also have a TV or at least read some books right? It’s a simple thing. Doesn’t need a genius to know. So please spare my ears from your kaartehan.