> hoLiday hangOveR

Author: aLmich

January always seems like a letdown of sorts for me. The latter part of November and all of December are spent on gatherings, parties, exchange gifts, decorating, eating inordinate amounts of food, and taking in a veritable orgy of christmas dvds. Come January, we’re forced to settle back into our routines and make friends with the treadmill to work off all those extra calories we consumed.

January also signals it’s time to pay the piper for all the presents we bought. Credit card bills start arriving in the mail, seemingly to drain our pockets. It didn’t seem like much when we were making one purchase at a time, but once they are all added up… WOW! I found myself cash-strapped over the next few months.

Like many others, my mind is still in a haze, recovering from the holiday marathon. Three more containers of brisket, ham, cheese and salads remain untouched . Until I’m finished with the leftovers, I promised not to see the grocery store and add anything to our fridge. I even promised never to see brisket again until next December.

Other highlights :

We had an early Christmas Party and it was a blast.


We exchanged gifts and I love what I received from Almsie and also from Cj.

Spent the Christmas here in Manila and went home to the province for New Year.
Met some of my High School friends when I attended Toti’s birthday.
Enjoyed hanging out with my younger cousins and Aunties.

It was really an unremarkable vacation for me.
Too bad my brother’s wife had a miscarriage that we spent 4 days in the hospital.


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