> no pLace Like hoMe
Author: aLmich
Well, I’m convinced there’s really no place like home. Or at least if it’s anything like the way I spent the last two weeks of the Christmas holiday. It’s pronounced “no work.” No thinking about work. No answering e-mails. No job-related to-do lists. No NOs.
Don’t know, don’t care, I’m at home in loungewear.
It was such a relaxing time, even with family dropping in, friends stopping by, the holidays, the festivities.
I would wake early in the morning before anyone was up, grab as many newspapers as I could get my hands on or continue reading my book [New Moon and Eclipse of the Twilight Saga], make coffee, and then prop my feet up for a little quality reading time. It would only last about 32 seconds before the dog would scratch at the door asking to be let out [nice timing, dog!]. But it was an amazing 32 seconds. And then I’ll go back to bed again.
I had a to-do list that was as thick as a phone book, didn’t accomplish a single thing on it the whole time, and never once felt guilty or the least bit bothered. It made me realize that the best kind of to-do list is the one you don’t do.
Unfortunately it went by too quick — too fast. I miss being with my family all day and that the biggest decision I had to make was whether I will eat more or not.
“Um, how about both?” my other self would say solving the dilemma. I had the time to meet my high school friends too. It has been a long time since I’ve seen some of them. Toto [who celebrated his birthday], Dagul, Edwin and his brothers, Bilyon and more. It’s always nice to come home to be surrounded by your loved ones, friends and familiar surroundings.
I miss the grubby T-shirts, snack time of lumpia and banana cue, and the fact that teeth brushing was more or less optional… until my Aunt caught wind and nixed my plans. But it was liberating until then.
The highlight of one day was simply playing with my nephew and the neverending chit chats with my family. That was it. We were together and having fun. Maybe that’s when it occurred to me that life is too much about what you’re doing and what you’re getting done, and not enough about just being together and enjoying that simple experience. We’re always in such a rush to get through life that we rarely get the chance to sit back, relax and take it all in. Those two weeks, though, were dedicated to that very simple philosophy, and it made for a memorable experience.
But now it’s back to work, and it’s a tough adjustment. I forgot how to put a belt on my first day. I mis-buttoned my shirt. I wore unmatched socks. I couldn’t even remember where my office was, not to mention what I do there. Luckily there is a sign on the door.
Gone are the early morning coffee sessions and the pancake breakfasts. Gone are the carefree days and the grubby T-shirts. Gone are the strollinh around town and just enjoy the morning breeze.
Mighty nice it was, and I’m not totally ready to let go. So I’m adding to my to-do list a line that reads: “Remember to slow down once in a while and enjoy.” That’s something I might actually accomplish.