> whiLe you'rE aFar

Author: aLmich

Nothing pains the heart more than being separated from your honey. Maybe a job or a family crisis has forced you apart. Perhaps it’s just a temporary departure from each other; for some, the situation is permanent and must be adapted to. Whatever the circumstance, maintaining a long-distance relationship can be very difficult and taxing for couples. But while this scenario can be challenging and put a relationship to the test, it can be done and there are scores of people that are in this predicament and make it work successfully.

Most express difficulty coping with loneliness and boredom, and some report developing insecurities and fears about their partner’s seeking solace with other men; others worry of the potential for their relationship to crumble because of the distance itself posing a barrier to solidifying emotional intimacy, usually afforded more easily by face-to-face contact and daily living experience.far

Let’s face it—nothing compares to having your partner by your side. But the fact remains, we need to continue living, we need to be practical and rational. I have suggested these to some friends.

Identify your triggers to loneliness and take advantage of this time to pursue purposeful activities that will help you grow as a person.

Keep your talks with your partner on the positive and upbeat slant. Don’t use your precious time together lamenting about the pain and injustice of being apart. This could define all your contacts with a negative aura and make the potential for emotional distancing from each other that much more possible. Give each other lots of positive affirmations and share what you appreciate. Keep the romance alive and realize that you have control over the climate of your relationship.

Live your life the way you used to. Hang out with friends, party, enjoy and be happy. Build your support system with positive people who will validate what you’re going through rather than feed you doom-and-gloom. There’s no point succumbing to your loneliness. Just know where to draw the line.

Living apart from your significant other can be quite a downer, but the important thing to remember is to avoid placing too much emphasis on the separation and instead channel that energy toward rejuvenating and feeding your relationship to the best extent you can, limitations and all! Nothing sucks the joy out of a relationship faster than having a negative mindset and swimming in pain and grief.

Long-distance relationships can work as well as any relationship, they just require extra doses of attention and understanding. So hang in there, take control of your life and make the most of a difficult situation, and before you know it you’ll be in your baby’s arms again.

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”


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