> Love Your Faulty Partner
Author: aLmich
I joined Abhi earlier at Megamall as she went shopping for decorations and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Her new account will be launched today so she thought of some things to energized the agents.
With all the ballons, doughnuts and my bags [for my Galera vacation] and her with all some other stuffs, we still managed to talk about having crushes and relationships.
I told her that I just saw my crush along my way earlier and that it feels so good to have those moments. She then quipped- “ako wala nang crush” with the sad face act. I laughed and told her that she already have Bochog [her boyfriend], what more can you ask for?
It seems like so many people are breaking up these days over the smallest things that honestly don’t even matter. People are taking relationships for granted, and they’re branching out and getting in fights over things such as Susie calling or texting too much or Bobby not showing that he cares as much as he should.
People need to remember that they’re lucky enough to actually be in a relationship. At the end of the day, they have someone who is there for them and who believes in them, and this is something that so many single people would love to have. It’s sad that so many couples are taking it for granted.
You have to remember that “you don’t realize what you’ve got until it’s gone.” If you fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend over simple things that are stupid and don’t even matter, talk to them about it, tell them how much you care about them, and try to find a common ground.
In my field of work, we’re used to the “sandwich approach”. It’s about keeping the negativities or bad aspects of the program in between good features, benefits and advantages.
People should break up because He was cheating on She, or because He keeps lying to Him. Not over stupid little things.
So for all of you folks out there who have a significant other, tell them how much you appreciate them being a part of your life today. And try not to fight over something stupid.

> Galera '09 Na!
Author: aLmich
If you have a monogamous relationship and your partner has had an affair, both of you will need to spend a fair amount of time dealing with the aftermath. If your partner has had an affair, it's not a solution to restrict or be critical of your partner's friendships or independent activities. It will only anger and upset both of you.
The real issue is that you do not trust her/him anymore. You'll need to find ways -- that work for both of you -- to help rebuild trust again. Sometimes an affair will trigger feelings from past experiences unconnected to your partner, and it all gets mixed up together. The one who didn't have the affair may need additional support that a partner may not be able to provide. Again, counseling can help here.
Other than monitoring or restricting your partner's activities, maybe there's something else that could help you feel more comfortable with your partner seeing friends. For example, after an affair some couples agree that they will not see the person they had the affair with for awhile, or in the case of a one night stand that they will not go to the bar where they met. Be creative negotiating back and forth what works for both of you, and be clear about how long this arrangement will last.
While it's important to trust your intuition when you suspect that your partner is having or had an affair, sometimes what we think is intuition is really fear or insecurity. If you truly believe that you can't trust your partner, and you're not satisfied with your partner's responses to your questions, you may want to reconsider your committment.

> Mama, Sukli Ko?
Author: aLmich
I always find it awkward to ask for the small amount of change [read: 50 centavos-5 pesos] in jeepneys or buses. If it’s been 20 minutes since I handed the
driver the fare. There something in me that says that I should let the driver “keep the change”. However, is the driver worth it?
Dishonest drivers are all around the metro. One of the most common would be the kunwari-di-alam-ang-lugar-iikot-ng-iikot-para-dagdag-metro taxi drivers. If they sense that you don’t know much about the place you’re heading to, then they’ll take shorcuts and alternate routes which, aside from additional pay, takes time. I’ve been there when I was too scared a cat to reprimand a driver to take a certain route which I’m more familiar with. Under normal traffic condition, the normal P150 ride from this place to that would now amount to P180 or more.
Overpricing FX/jeepney drivers would be another common headache. Just like yesterday, I rode the FX at St. Francis Square to Pureza Sta. Mesa and that should cost P25, flat. I gave the driver a 50 peso bill and he gave me 20 saying he’ll give the 5 later. Since I am on a total cost cutting, I needed the change. I was expecting that he would give me the P5 before we I had to unload his vehicle but, sadly, he didn’t. I just had to let it go since I was really tired to argue any longer. It wasn’t the first time I experienced that, though.
In jeepneys, they would often not give the change until you asked it. They would not give you the student discount until you tell them you’re a student. Our change should be given right away; we don’t have to ask for it. Sometimes, it happens that they would not give your change still after so many times you’ve asked for it and until by the time you unload, you’ve already forgotten about it.
Did you know that it’s your right not to pay drivers if you weren’t able to sit comfortably in public transportation? Yet, drivers would try and squeeze your fat ass to a space as big as your pointing finger to earn more. One fourth of your ass enjoys the ride but you pay the normal fare.
Although, we can’t blame our drivers for wanting more. With the surmounting amount of diesel in the market, it can’t be possible that what they earn in a day is enough for their family. However, it doesn’t follow that the commuters have to suffer for the consequences of poor oil regulation in our country. We too want the best for them because in not matter what way we look at it, drivers and commuters are interdependent. I think at the end of the day, it’s a question of where your loyalty lies—to your family or to your passengers. You can have it both ways by the way.

> On Phones
Author: aLmich
My phone got busted before we went to Palawan last month. I’m the type who usually fiddles on my cellphone although I’ve seen and memorized everything that’s in there. I don’t know why, I just feel the need to do it every once in a while. Now that I’m just using my sister’s spare phone and my contacts were all gone, it’s just surprising how I feel so free and easy.
When I was growing up, few of my friends had walkie talkie and mobiles were yet to be developed. Nowadays, everybody seems to have at least one phone in some form or another and we all seem to be expected to be available at any given time.
I’ve no idea how many times my mobile’s gone off while I’m visiting friends, having dinner in a pub, or standing in a supermarket checkout queue. My house phone has rung while I’m up to my elbows in washing, have my hands full of dough, or am in the middle of eating dinner. Yet time after time the caller has refused to respect that I didn’t want to or couldn’t talk right then. “Just let me tell you about…” seems to be the standard response to my “I can’t talk right now”.
I find it rude when my guests spend 10-15 minutes or more on the phone while I’m sat there like a dumb banana twiddling my thumbs and hearing half of their conversation. In fact I once had I guest spent more than an hour on his mobile, talking to his other half who he’d be seeing the next day anyway!
When I’m socializing, I concentrate on those I’m socializing with, not those who are making unnecessary demands on my time and I expect other reasonably sensible people to do the same.
Do we really believe we’re so important that we have to take every call? Do others really have a right to demand our time in any situation?
Phones obviously have a place in our modern society. I have no question about that.
It’s years now since I’ve been dependant on answering the phone. If it isn’t suitable to talk - and that could be just because I don’t feel like talking - I don’t answer it. I figured that if it’s important they’ll either leave a message or text me; if they don’t then they couldn’t have wanted to get hold of me that badly. Nowadays, being less dependant on my phone helps keep my life simple. I’m not stressed by a ringing phone that I’m unable to answer in the way some people are.
Some say I’m being ignorant and selfish by ignoring a ringing telephone. I know some felt bad because I have not been responding but I’ll do that if I feel the need to do so or if I think it’s really important. For now, I’ll just be like these. I’m still waiting for my new phone. I don’t know if I’ll go back to what I used to after that. We’ll see.

> Lost Friends
Author: aLmich
Oh hey, it’s you! Musta ka na?
When I was in high school, I never understood how my parents could see friends of theirs after thirty-some years and act as if not a day had passed. After all, I hadn’t even been alive for thirty years and the idea of not seeing my friends for even longer than two weeks was frightening to me.
Once I went away to college, months of not speaking with or seeing friends seemed reasonable and normal. Shortly after some time, I got used to the idea of being out of touch with friends for years at a time and not being sad about it or feeling awkward when we finally did speak.
Recently, though, I’ve gotten back in touch with a couple of friends I haven’t spoken to for years, and it has felt like a long time [not just normal or something to get used to]. I just recently got back in touch with Deejay - my best buddy in college. We probably hadn’t spoken to each other in years. When we finally did catch up on the phone, she told me how she tried to be in touch with our other friends too.
We’d had some great times and shared a number of inside jokes together in school. I thought she already went back to Chicago and so I almost forgot her. But that’s one of those facts of life—you lose touch with people. Sometimes, you lose touch and it seems natural, since you were starting to grow apart anyway. Other times, you lose touch and it’s jarring. They became too busy, but you weren’t busy at all. They ended up not caring as much for the friendship as you did. They moved away and weren’t great about keeping in touch with people who weren’t physically close to them.
Now I’m missing my old friends and the funny thing, I miss my new friends too. It has not been quite the same for the past days. The things that have been happenning exhaust, drain and consume us so much. I need a breather. Sigh.
I suppose it’s one of the bittersweet pain-joys of being older—the ability to wonder about your old friends: What are they doing now? Why did we lose touch? Is it even worth reconnecting? Would it just be awkward? We would no longer have anything in common?
I may give in to the pressure and activate my Facebook. Or maybe I’ll just keep wondering…

> You Think You're Fat?
Author: aLmich
A friend once told me, “keep in mind that each person’s body is unique and you will be happier if you accept yourself for the way you are. Do not compare yourself to others, especially models in magazines. Many of these models are either blessed with extraordinary genetics, living unhealthy life styles, or are air-brushed in magazines to make them look even skinnier than they actually are”.
I was watching the Tyra Banks show earlier through YouTube, it was about how people are judgmental about each other’s weights and how it would feel to walk in another person’s weight for a day. It caught my attention because I have long been dying to really lose weight. Some of my friends tell me that I don’t need to lose weight because I don’t look fat at all but my inner self tells otherwise. It was easy to comprehend how a skinny girl can wear a fat suit and some prosthetics to make herself look obese, but making an obese girl look skinny, that was a challenge. What they did was to make the fat girl look like she’s wearing a badly-fitting fat suit. She went to a party while “wearing” the fat suit, and showed everyone digitally manipulated photos of her looking thin, telling them that that was actually her true weight. The comments directed towards the obese girl [who everyone thought was a skinny girl in a fat suit] were really offensive. Comments like “she’s too fat for me to date”, and many more.
The skinny girl who was actually wearing a real fat suit was struggling to move around all day. Everything is a struggle, from finding clothes that fit, to walking, to dating. The skinny girl actually had the temerity to say that skinny girls like her face as much discrimination as the fat ones. Tyra made a good point when she said that yeah, skinny girls may get discriminated sometimes, but not in the same way that fat girls are. Especially not when all kinds of media print out photos of women who are skinny and pass it off as the only acceptable body-type.
People attempt to lose weight through many ways. Whether it’s a diet pill that works, gastric bypass, or doing it naturally, the desire to change the way you look is sometimes a bittersweet feeling to have. Your goal will lead you to a path filled with many challenges, and the easiest way to get through it is to have the support of the people you love. I have always been saying that you must decide to lose weight for all the right reasons. For me, it is primarily a decision you make about what kind of life you want to live.
Summer is already here and every one is trying to really look their best but let’s take your other view on these things. How do you feel seeing those not-so-sexy people on their swimsuits? bad? or you don’t even care? I think the best critic that we have is only our own selves. Other people don’t even give a damn.

> Sleep And Be Emotionally Refreshed
Author: aLmich
Sometimes your body knows what you need better than you do. If you’re sleep deprived, you’ll fall asleep in the strangest of places despite all physical [standing up] or aural surroundings [during a rock concert].
After only getting a handful of hours sleep the whole weekend, I crashed pretty hard late Monday afternoon after picking up some stuffs at the grocery store. There was some movie playing on the HBO Chaneel that I was half-watching. When I woke up two hours later curled up on the living room floor it was dark and there was a completely different movie playing. I had said that I’d need a nap sometime Sunday, but I don’t remember being tired at all. Quite a good nap to say the least, even if it was unexpected and someone disorienting.
Same thing happened on our Coron trip. I slept at the airport, aboard the plane, riding the banca and almost everywhere we’ve gone to. There were even pictures of me sleeping almost beneath a big rock while everyone’s too busy to pose for the camera.
The experience reminded me of those times when I feel so stressed, alone and emotionally beaten. I will just fall asleep crying and feel better the next day. It’s like going to the basic, it’s like going back to Him. Just feel His peace and comfort. Don’t worry much, you’ll come with better decisions. Avoid making things complicated. There are things that are not meant for us. Learn to accept. Everything will come to pass.
As I’ve said before, it’s the little things that amuse me. Observational humor about our quirks is no exception.

> On Street Foods
Author: aLmich
Burp! I’m full! I have large Fiesta Bowl and Root Beer in front of me and I just ate Hotshots and French Fries with Abhi. What a very good start for a tiring day.
I was about to order Pasta Alfredo earlier when the corn of the Fiesta Bowl caught my fancy. I missed the times when we [with my siblings] would usually eat sweet corn every afternoon on a summer season. Those were the times when we would hide from our Mama because she doesn’t [until now] want us to just eat anything from the street vendors.
I have a very weak set of digestive system. Street food was officially off-limits to me as a kid. I can still remember my Mama putting “bigkis” [binder] around my stomach because I can easily get LBM from eating oily, salty and even creamy foods. Between typhoid, cholera and intestinal parasites [just some of the supposed evils associated with street food at the time and, perhaps, still today], I was not allowed to buy anything from a street vendor, not even dirty ice cream. I can actually recall that the vast majority of street food on offer when I was a kid was not hot, fried [or grilled] and oily. There were several barbeque, fish ball and other ambulant vendors, but I remember mostly the fruit and snack vendors – street food was predominantly snack food back then. Outside Baste [our school] are vendors who would always be persuasive to kids like us. Without a doubt, my favorite street food is a crunchy sour green mango, sold with bagoong or shrimp paste. Despite the ban on anything streetside, I used to occasionally buy some green mango. I never did get sick but the dire warnings of the plague usually meant I enjoyed this snack at home in more hygienic conditions. The sourness of the mango and the jolting saltiness of the bagoong are a match made in heaven. I also liked the sweeter and less acidic indian mangoes with salt…
Corn was also a popular street food option as well. Sold from carts that also ply busy intersections, hot boiled or steamed corn was, and still is, a favorite. While on self-packaged fruits that are then steamed to kill all the cooties, how about steamed or boiled peanuts that are also sold streetside? Yum. Even better are their greasy version – fried peanuts with lots of garlic. Finally, my all time favorite cooked fruit is saba bananas and as street food they were sold as turon, banana-que or maruya… I thinks it’s Ron’s [our trainer] favorite also. You would even hear him saying these lines ala Mahal…
Saging na Saba, Masarap Kainin
Saging na Senorita, Itapon na natin? [tama ba Ron?]
The smell that comes from a boiling vat of fat with caramelizing sugar is burned into my memory banks forever… blindfolded, I would know if you walked me past a banana-que vendor!
Nowadays, these ambulant vendors can be seen almost everywhere. Even from corporate areas like Ortigas. Everything you want from dimsuns, sisigs, crepes and my new favorite - Hongkong Style Noodles will be there to put your senses in frenzy. And yeah the UP isaws - di rin papatalo.

> What's With Twilight?
Author: aLmich
It’s been a while since I posted about a book, so thought I’d catch you up to date on what I’m reading.I’ve been checking online about the most current [unfinished manuscript] of the Twilight Saga - Midnight Sun. A friend asked me, “What is it with Twilight that you guys are all dying for?” Let me tell you.
You pick up Twilight and wonder what all the fuss is about. “I’m not into romances,” you say to yourself. And you’re not, save one Harlequin paperback you read when you were fifteen, you haven’t touched a love story since. “But Twilight’s not a romance novel as per se,” your neighbor, an avid fan who’s read the whole series, tells you. You tell her you’ll try it. “Watch out, it’ll suck you in,” she warns as she hands you the book. “Yeah, whatever,” you scoff.
And then you read the first chapter.
You meet this Edward character who is beautiful in a weird non-human sort of way. What’s more, he seems to like an ordinary klutz by the name of Bella. You fall into the story just like the neighbor said you would. The kids walk in the room while you’re reading and you hardly know they’re there. They ask you questions that you ignore or barely hear. You forget to make dinner and send the husband to the store, grateful for the extra reading time. Keep your eyes on the page—you might miss something. Hastily eat dinner and then return to the book. Like a woman infatuated with a secret lover, you can’t stop reading. And when you must close the book to take a shower or to drive the kids to soccer, you can’t stop thinking about the story.
You fall in love with Edward. You think it’s strange to be so attracted to someone who’s...
a] not real
b] sucks on animal blood but would really prefer to suck on your blood
c] has the body temperature of a Frigidaire
d] has a body hard as rock, literally
d] won’t ever get a wrinkle, gain weight, or get a gray hair
e] thinks he can read a woman’s mind
You have no control over the fascination you feel. Even though the most the characters do is kiss, you are completely frisky and attack your husband on numerous occasions. Once, in the early morning, you wake him up and he rolls over, his eyes ringed in red and his skin pale. He looks like a vampire. “Edward!” you want to shriek.
There are times when the cat curls up around your neck and then bites your neck. It’s disturbingly familiar. Vampire kitty?
You read the second and then the third books, all the while breathing shallow. You stop breathing when Edward leaves in the second book, but start again when Jacob shows up. You didn’t think anyone could replace Edward. But then this Jacob fellow reminds you of a guy you saw back in college. You were hiking in the canyon with a friend when a tall Native American guy walked by. You both looked, your mouths agape at his beauty. His hair, black and silky, hung down his back. His copper skin glistened in the sun. His face was strong and narrow, his cheekbones prominent but not angular, his arms muscular and long. You imagined those arms around your waist. “Take me now!” you wanted to say, throwing yourself in his path. But alas, he simply walked by without a glance. And though you often looked, you never saw him again.
That is until Stephenie Meyer brought him back to you in the form of Jacob Black. You feel Bella’s conflict. Jacob, with his seventeen year-old hormones racing through his body at the speed of light, is dangerous, precarious. You never know how he’s going to react. Suddenly Edward seems old. He can’t kiss too passionately or he’ll eat Bella. But Jacob, now that’s a fellow who knows how to let loose. He’s earthy. Jacob, you decide, is granola guy, sweet and nutty and spicy. Edward is more like cream of wheat. Predictable. Bland. Fibrous…
You want to know how the 1st book was? Here…

> Hello! Kamusta?
Author: aLmich
I woke up today to the sound of my cellphone ringing. H.
Yes? Ei! Did I wake you up? Yeah, but it’s okay, wazzup? Nah, I’m just sayin hello, how are you? I’m good, you? Meet me for lunch, Mr. Choi? I can’t, I’m sorry. Okay, good to hear you’re fine though. Were you really at Greenbelt last night? Yeah! I was there but you didn’t reply when I asked you which bar. Oh, been pre-occupied. Next time I will. Alright, go back to sleep then. Thanks for the Hello. okay.
Hello, How are you?
It’s such a simple question, but yet, so many people avoid saying it.
I admit it. If I’m passing someone around the workplace, I tend to put my head down or fiddle with my cell phone so I don’t feel inclined to make meaningless chatter. Or if someone will just send an SMS and say “Hello, How are you?”, most of the time I won’t reply. After all, this person probably doesn’t really want to talk to me, right? or most of the time, if it’s from an SMS message, they just need something from me and I hate that. There are only few people who would usually text me and say how are you because they really mean it.
Sorry for the paranoia, praning talaga ‘ko. Well, too many people think this way.
What’s the harm in saying hello? What’s wrong with asking someone how they’re doing?
Nothing. This actually should happen more often.
I personally believe that many people feel as if it’s simply “easier” to keep quiet when passing someone, whether it be at work or school or even out at the mall. There’s that fear of rejection — the thought that this person may not remember you or even talk back.
Of course, most people are going to respond if asked how they are doing. If not, then at least you tried to be nice.
So give it a shot. Say hello, and ask someone how their day is going. I’ll give it a shot. It’s a Monday. I always think good things should be planned and started on a Monday.
You never know, it could make their day a little better and of course yours too.

> Let's Just Be Happy
Author: aLmich
It seems like so many people are sad these days. There’s just so many things happening right now. I don’t want to go with the trend, I need to be happy. I must be happy.
Happy thoughts are part of our lives. From what I can rememeber, in an average day it is estimated that we have around 60,000 thoughts. Have you ever wondered how many of these thoughts are happy thoughts?
It is known that happy people think more happy thoughts than unhappy people. If we think happy thoughts, we create happy perceptions, we create a beautiful aura of light around ourselves which leads us to happy events. And so we create a exciting circle [where we become even happier].
Happy thoughts connect us with the light, confidence and courage to act, to the power to believe, to live our lives according to our hopes and dreams not somebody else´s.
Jealous, angry and fearful thoughts and feelings take us away from our own path. Our own purpose. But a straight path doesn´t admit compromises. This negative thoughts strip us of our power and ability to act effectively. If we think fearful thoughts we become afraid and act defensively. This pushes away other people and other possibilities away from us. And so we become lonelier and more afraid.
The route to a happier life is through happy thoughts. Not just because they make you feel better immediately, but because happier thoughts give you a stronger and more stable foundation to your life. You are in control rather than being bounced around by life.Here’s a happy day for all of us. Happy P!

> My Birthday
Author: aLmich
This should have been posted on the Eve of March 1st but for some reasons I don’t understand, it remained on my drafts folder.
Tomorrow is my birthday, and although I think I reached a point several birthdays ago where turning a year older wasn’t necessarily a thing to celebrate, I’d have to say that this birthday in particular is the one I’ve been trying to stave off more than any other. There is nothing even remotely redeeming about turning a year older [i'm holding myself from mentioning the age here]; it doesn’t come with special privileges, and there isn’t even a “turning 2—” section in the birthday section at Hallmark. It’s totally forgettable, and the only purpose it serves it to remind me that I’m inching even closer toward death.
I guess I’m scared more than anything, not of getting old, necessarily, but of what could possibly happen to me in this year. I honestly thought my life couldn’t get any more hectic than when I was in 3rd year college, and then I turned another year older and all HELL broke loose: I got pissed, I rebeled, I left my Uncle’s place [which served as a slave's place and hypocrite's place for me], tried to meet both ends, been exposed to the street life, discovered my true self, and accepted everything the society has to offer. You could say I’m a bit fatigued.
I’ve decided that for my birthday I’m going to ask for things I know I can’t have so that I won’t be disappointed when I actually don’t get them. That was actually the plan but since this is a delayed post already, I’ll have here some pictures from that day.

> Taken. Sushi. H
Author: aLmich
Rada [H's friend] called me earlier to join them at MOA for lunch. I said No thanks but later on decided to give in to H’s prodding.
When I got there, the place was jampacked. H was craving for Sushi and so I suggested Sakae. Sakae Sushi has been in the must eat restaurants in H’s list when we were still together. The attractive feature of Sakae Sushi is the conveyor belt where various sushi plates are brought out. The Multicolored Plate is 80 pesos while the red plate is 189 pesos. Rada was totally mesmerized with the conveyor concept that she kept taking sushi plates as it passed her. After the hefty meal, we all agreed - Sakae Sushi: Good Place, Very Good Sushi!
We checked on featured movies and has been TAKEN almost immediately.
As the movie opens [these are the only parts I remeber before I closed my eyes]], the hero of the story, a divorced ex-CIA operative named Bryan Mills [Liam Neeson], is already paranoid about his 17-year-old daughter, Kim [Maggie Grace] traveling to Paris for the first time with only one other friend, Amanda [Katie Cassidy]. After initially refusing to sign consent for her to travel as a minor without parental supervision, he reluctantly agrees thinking that this may be his chance to bond with his estranged daughter since he has moved back closer to his daughter in London, although she has told more than a few lies to be able to slide past Bryan’s seemingly overbearing paranoid assumptions. Then, when she arrives in Paris and while on the phone with her, he overhears her being taken away by some group of men.
The next time I opened my eyes, H was mouthing curses already. We were on our way home already when I asked him what got him pissed. “Those stupid, uncivilized people from our back kept on talking and opening plastics of groceries…” I understand him. We have the same sentiment.
If you talk during a movie, this is an entry you must read. If you vent loudly about your uneventful personal life in public, this is for you too.
And for those of you who do not fall into either category, this is for you.
- When sitting in a crowded theatre, I neither wish to hear the plot analysis from Roger Ebert, nor you. If you have an urge to share, whisper softly to your loved ones, without disturbing others.
- When commercials force their images onto the screen prior to the movie, there is really no need to laugh out loud at the little backward humour and pretend that you really enjoy your date or that you understand the ad.
- When you are on a bus, there are many of us who wish the bus to be private and the sound of your breathing could already be somewhat violating.
- When you talk loudly on a train or a bus - and I don’t care if it is in a foreign language - keep it to yourself!
- When you cough in public, please cover your mouth. We aren’t all lovers. Spit-swapping isn’t necessary.
- When you clip your nails on the bus, the sight and sound can be hazardous to the collective mental health of all passengers. And it’s just plain gross!
- When you’re on a Jeepney or the FX, move your not so skinny ass and give way. Don’t pretend to be confused or you don’t understand what I am saying. Let’s see… “Ching Ni Zhou Dou Ho Mien!” Better?
All that said, it’s really not that hard to be considerate of others, is it?
If your Mom or Dad taught you nothing, it’s time for you to know that… you annoy the shit out of us.
That’s how my day went. Sushi. Taken. H. What could be more complete?

> Making Friends At Work
Author: aLmich
Do you really like your job? Do you feel like everything’s not working for you anymore? Do you feel shortchanged? So why do you stay? What’s your motivation?
Everybody knows that motivation is vital for our lives. If you want to achieve something, you need to have motivation to work on it. Have you ever came across someday where you feel very motivated and you are so driven to take actions? Have you ever felt like someday in your life, you just don’t have the drive to do anything, you are in a bad mood, you don’t feel motivated at all?
As you can see now, if you can make yourself keep staying in the motivated state all the time, you can achieve much more in your life. Why? This is because if you are motivated, you will do everything that you have put off long before, you will do your work with more energy, hence, better results. This is why you need to stay motivated if you want to succeed in your life.
In order to keep yourself motivated all the time, you need to understand where did all the forces and energy come from? Why can you stay motivated and where are the sources. If you can find where this powerful energy comes from, then you can make use of it in your life. This is how successful people find their motivation and keep them driven toward their goals and dreams.
So, the question now is, where is the source of energy? Where it is coming from and how can you create this source of energy? To make it simple, it is a one-word answer, reasons. Yes, you read that right. It is the reason that keeps you going in your workplace. If you don’t have those reasons, you wouldn’t want another day to spend there.
I have my reason. I have Kelly, Gay, Almsie, Abi, Ron, Abhi, Evette, Carol, Nina, Ed, Lanie, Gen, Zelot and Liz [now I'm missing Julie-ly].
Are you friends with your co-workers and your boss? Or even former bosses? There’s a difference between being just colleagues and being friends, your relationship extends beyond the confines of the office. Some people might say that’s not professional and make it a big deal. But for some it’s normal – like I hang out with my bosses outside office. And it’s not always true that a friendship between a staff and his or her boss have to begin from the boss. Friendships aside, if you do your work and you kick butt at it, your boss will always be impressed. You’ll always stand out. At the same time, it’s always a pleasant experience when co-workers extend the hand of friendship to you – like how my friends did with me. You spend more than 8 hours in the office, you need to have friends to hang out with, go to lunch, talk, and shoot crap and so on…
Personally, I think having friends in the office lifts up the morale. It’s really important, especially now, when we hear everyday about the recession, the economy, and the layoffs. It really keeps the team spirit alive. There are also dark linings on silver clouds. Don’t take your friend/co-worker for granted. You can’t take liberties with your work just because you had drinks with your boss the other night. [Gay would kill me if I didn’t do my wok right! Sometimes I think she’s harder on me, the same way I feel the pressure to do better because she might think I'm taking advantage of our friendship].
Never forget to keep personal things personal and keep your professional nose clean. That way you can always have a great professional work atmosphere and enjoy nights out with friends. We spend most of our time at work, having friends around makes working fun, and more productive.

> Philippine Crises
Author: aLmich
Last weekend, I took the liberty to just stay home, get fat and make love to the boob tube. I only went out to meet and have lunch with some friends and to attend the Sunday service. The rest were spent to what I used to love most - telebabad. I've been able to catch up on Mike Enriquez' "Walang Pera" SNBO Episode. The program talked about the effects of global financial crisis to ordinary Filipinos. Mike Enriquez hosted while Marian Rivera portrayed the roles of ordinary workers on different stories. It was really good as it explained the current situation and how we arrived into this chaos.
I’ve been following this economic digression even through yahoo as a fence-sitter and it seems to get worse by the day. A lot of my friends are worried and bracing for whatever impact that may have in our lives. My stand here is, we have to put our heads together and survive through these crises. I am not an economist, nor understand the intricacies of finance and all, but what I understand is that there’s no problem that we can’t solve if we put our minds to it. Having friends and family supporting you also helpsa nd of course we have Him up there no matter what. Don’t be hesitant when you really need help, that’s the key, you never know who’s going to step up to the plate and lend you a helping hand.
This financial crunch effects everybody. Just a couple of days back Nognog was telling about his problems with the people surrounding him and how he feel hopeless with our current situation. Seriously, this is just too much to think about, but that’s reality folks. We need to hold strong in times like these and be there for each other. What’s your take?

> Homo-tendency
Author: aLmich
Almsie, Kelly and I have somehow talked about gay gestures earlier. We were waiting for some of our friends to join us for lunch when the issue came up. A question started to bother my mind. How are straight people reacting to the current situation? Anywhere you go, you will see gay people. I will categorize everyone that is not straight to be gay okay? I don’t want to argue on this.
A straight colleague of mine has recently expressed some of his gay fantasies, trying to intrigue gay colleagues of his that there could be a little bit of bisexuality in him. A close friend — for years — had trouble fending off sexual advances made by his same-sex supervisors, but recently he outed himself as a bisexual man. An acquaintance, who is on the verge of getting engaged, finds his gay friend’s admiration of his good looks a bigger turn-on than his girlfriend could ever be in any piece of sexy lingerie. A girl friend once told me that if only she’s single and with no kids, she would have been with the same sex.
Are these “straight” men/women trying to prove that they are just open-minded? Or is there more to it? Has political correctness gone overboard, and now straight people think it’s not only okay to tolerate gay lifestyles but to share some of their homosexual desires, too?
What is behind these sudden confessions of bisexuality? Can sex be just sex, no matter the object of desire? Do we live in a world with a population more ” bisexual” than either straight and gay?
A person both Z and I know, hiddenly flaunts his bisexuality and I don’t know if he notices it. He pushes himself to act like a straight guy but his gestures shed his true self. These acts never stopped him from paying compliments to both his male and female colleagues. And so strengthens our observations.
Sometimes, you can see the awkwardness in the girls receiving them. One might think he’s one of the very rare, vocal “bisexuals” out there. But what if his sexuality isn’t all that rare. What if the only thing that makes him a minority is his willingness to be so vocal about it?
People may have assumed a sexual identity through their social interactions and influences. Afterall, how do you know what you’re attracted to, or what “beautiful” looks like to you? Maybe our sexual identity is a product of the images of “beauty” and “gender-appropriate” attractiveness we’re exposed to from birth.
Metrosexuals, the modern straight paragon of male fashion and grace didn’t exactly learn their sense of style and good looks by imitating women. Rather, they copied gay men. Can straight men, then, learn to be gay? Is sexuality more an attraction to a “beauty” aesthetic than a to a gender?
In our society, physical attractions have never been clearly defined. Gay men learn to worship styles from strong, heterosexual female icons. Straight men admire the extraordinary athleticism from their male baseball or hockey stars. These attractions may not be sexually charged but can sound just as homoerotic. But who is to say that if you’re straight you will never go gay? And if you’re gay, being traditional will forever be out of the question.
So tell me, do you also have the tendency?

> name 'eM onE by onE
Author: aLmich
These days are really tiring to the core. I can hardly go to sleep. I’ll be able to take a nap soon as I get home but that would only last for an hour or two. Then it’s work time again. The feeling that you’re shortchanged for everything adds to the burden too. I don’t know how to explain it. Sigh.
I’m sure nobody wants having this feeling - a sense of unsatisfaction and discontentment. do you get these moments when you feel that everything could still be much better than it is now? When you feel that a lot of people are standing on better ground and being washed down with cleaner rain? Yes, I know it’s unhealthy but I’m not sure myself where this is coming from so I guess it’s worth listing down the possibilities. Maybe through this I can get this out of my system and feel a whole lot better… If you have seen my Friendster account before, you should have noticed three words written under the “About Me” area. “Happy and contented…” Now I’m thinking, do I post another one which says- “Gloomy and unsatisfied…?” Nah. I’ll get over this. Maybe I just really lack sleep. I’ll just count my blessings, and tomorrow, my Friendster account will just be a reflection of what and how im feeling… “Happy and contented…” These thought made me remember also what we used to sing when I was still living with my Uncle Pastor.
Count Your Blessings
When upon life’s billows
You are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged,
Thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings,
Name them one by one
And it will suprise you
What the Lord has done.Chorus:
Count your blessings,
Name them one by one
Count your blessings,
See what God has done
Count your blessings,
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings,
See what God has done.Are you ever burdened
With a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy
You are called to bear?
Count your many blessings,
Ev’ry doubt will fly
And you will be singing
As the days go by.When you look at others
With their lands and gold
Think that Christ has promised
You His wealth untold
Count your many blessings,
Money cannot buy
Your reward in heaven,
Nor your home on high.So, amid the conflict,
Whether great or small
Do not be discouraged,
Godis over all
Count your many blessings,
Angels will attend
Help and comfort give you
To your journey’s end.
And have you noticed my new multiply theme? A friend www.ejo23.multiply.com made that. He’s such a nice and sweet person.
That’s one thing I should be grateful for right?

> yesTerday's binGe
Author: aLmich
Yesterday I had a minor food binge in the morning [like I hadn't had one in a couple of months hehehe]. I stopped myself, got back on plan, but felt sick and still feel not so good today. Thinking back on it I didn't eat that much. I had like two cokes, a candy bar, and some trail mix. Believe me, my normal food binges are more like three cokes, two candy bars, a bag of chips, and a box of crackers. Last night, I had two queso real ice cream and dulce de leche cake with Almsie, Gay, Kelly, Nina and Zelot. You know why I stopped the "dieting" idea?
1. I don't think the diet thing will still do wonders for my already-fat-body now. The summer already started. I should have started long before.
2. Good food is the perfect partner for good people, good conversations and good aura.
Also I am diet coke detoxing today. Not feeling good and most of the aftermath of the binge is emotions and trying to feel them, rather than eat them. I am dealing with the problems. One of my morning triggers is stopping at the convenience store for diet coke. Today I did not stop. Now I just have to keep doing that. My last gym schedules have been crap too, probably for emotional reasons. A month ago, I started thinking positive and never mind the difficult people at work, and about halfway through I felt this major release of stress and it was gone. I also was sweating like crazy and could smell the diet coke coming out of my body, thus the reason for quitting. Again. It smelled metallic.
This has been a rough week. I feel beat up and tired. H planned a summer getaway and then we'll go home and lick our wounds for the week.
On a good note, I am almost positive that the Coron group will be going to Boracay. Oye!

> inSpiraTions
Author: aLmich
With all the problems everyone is encountering, all the pains and sorrows, the longings and the hardships, it’s but just normal to look for something to lighten up the situation. I, for one, have been thinking about people who inspire me most recently. Inspiration is something people seek all the time. I look for it so much you could probably call me an “inspiration junkie”. As a blogger, I feel the need to be inspired all the time. It goes hand in hand with being enthusiastic about something.
And guess what? I’m not the only one out there! You too look for inspirations, you’re just denying it but of course you can’t. When I’m stuck with my job, I start thinking about people who inspire me–especially my family and friends.
Before I go, I’d like to share with you my top favorite inspirational quotes:
- A friend is there to give you love just when you need it most. Mama gave this when I was in High School
- The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King Jr.
- ‘Pag si Mama, magaling. Parang may Magic Touch. My brother Pipoy at age 7
- Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Douglas Adams
- If you would create something, you must be something. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. Epictetus
- The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Robert Byrne
I love quotes [solicited], daily doses of wisdom, writing and taking pictures. They’re great pick-me-uppers. So, what inspires you and why? Or even who inspires you in your life? Give a holla back and leave me comments.

> oKay or noT?
Author: aLmich
I came so early to work today. I met H and watched “Watchmen”. I’d like to tell you more about the story bul I’ll save that for next entry. Well, in a nutshell, I think the movie came out pretty well – and that’s an understatement. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, be forewarned that those of you expecting a superhero movie the likes of Superman or the X-Men will be severely disappointed, so best you throw those misconceptions out the window as you step into the theater. Heck, except for one person, none of the story’s heroes actually have superpowers. While the story revolves around the concept of masked heroes, the movie is not your run-of-the-mill good vs. evil or order vs. freedom or other similar paradigms. The use of masked heroes in this movie is a tool to drive a point. What point? Well, that’s what we’ll be talking about next time.
After the movie, we ate and went to the usual bantering. It dawned to me that this “more-insensitive-than-I-already-am-H” still reads my blog because he asked me about Maysilo guy. “I think you’re already fine”, you had fun sa Palawan right?”. I didn’t respond and focused on eating my pasta. “Are you already okay?” I then said “No”.
So many people feel as if they have to put on a strong face after something bad has happened to them… And I’m not just talking about relationship issues here. This could range from a death in the family to failing a class, or even losing a job. We tend to feel the need to appear strong because we have seen other people act this way and also because we don’t want to appear weak to others.
Well, guess what?
It’s okay to be not okay.
We too often put on a mask to appear the way that we want to be seen or the way that we feel we should be seen. But this isn’t going to make things better, and it’s not going to solve anything either.
So if you’re feeling “not okay,” say it, and don’t put on a mask to conceal how you feel. You’re not weak, and it’s not a cry for help. You’re just simply telling the truth about how you’re feeling. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Besides, the sooner you can admit that you’re feeling blue, the quicker the grey clouds will fade above your head.
“Are we okay?”
“Of course we are!”
“At least tayo okay na ‘no?”

Author: aLmich

> eXperienCe Coron Palawan
Author: aLmich
I have been dreaming of Palawan for the longest time. Gay and Zelot has been there before but still decided to go back and this time, with 9 more in tow - US!
With the scourging heat of the Metro, it is the best time to check out the white sand beaches of the country. One of the more popular summer destinations is Coron in Palawan province. I, Almsie, Carlo, Gay, Zelot, Kelly, Nina, Carol, Muty, Abhi and Bochog had the opportunity to experience it’s best and more.
If you’re planning a Coron Palawan trip, you can reserve plane tickets online via SEA Air or Zest Air, Cebu Pacific or the newest that caters them - PAL Express. These are the only commercial Philippine airlines that fly to Busuanga island where Coron is.
When our group took the trip, we made our hotel resort booking online at Darayonan Lodge. The place is owned by a very accomodating and nice couple. We have not been able to get the newer rooms because they were fully booked. The place we stayed at is made from local materials so it’s like staying in a bahay kubo. The staff were very friendly and nice to talk with. Our tour guide - Michelle was really nice and funny at times especially if she would start telling stories about those who guard the islands. She’s very superstitious and yet very funny to be with.
A Palawan is perfect getaway for people who need to realx and be closer to nature. We really enjoyed it. How about our more than 1,800 pictures? Do I still have to say more?
Coron Palawan’s Points of Interest:
- Sunset91Beach - A great place to relax, white-powdery-fine sand, to get that perfect tan and to eat lunch! I’m saying this because we were so hungry that time already.
- Cayangan Lake - these is a beautifully hidden lagoon that are maintained by the native Tagbanua tribe of northern Palawan. There are other lagoons that are off-limit to tourists because they are national protected areas and according to Ate Michelle “spirit guarded”.
- Mt. Tapias - Hikers and nature lovers will enjoy climbing these peaks. At the top of Mt. Tapias is a giant cross that is lighted at night. It can be reached through the 750-step stairs which really tested Carol’s and Nina’s endurance. So you can just imagine how we all rejoiced when finally we saw them descending from the stairs.
- Skeleton Wreck - Coron is one of the best locations to go diving. I tried to do a research on this. In 1944 some 120 US Navy bombers caught a Japanese convoy at anchor in northern Palawan. Some 11 [and more yet undiscovered] World War II Japanese wrecks await divers under the vast Coron Bay.
- Maquinit Hot Spring - definitely lives to it’s name. It was really hot and it took us so much time to adjust to it’s temperature. Our teasings even included “our balls” being hard boiled before we could even go home.
So whether you like nature or the white beach, Coron Palawan has everything to offer. Go to Coron for its breathtaking tourist sites, cashew nuts, masarap foods, and great value accommodation.
What can I say about the people? One thing I remember we had a bad experience from “masungit” people like the one from Coron Bistro and the airport personnels and of course the pang-fine dining na prices of those stores you would find near the airport. And I wouldn’t advise also that you go to their public resorts like the Calachuchi Resort because it’s dirty and will not worth the travel. Souvenir shops aren’t also that cheap.

> sUmmer's oPening saLvo : Coron, Palawan
Author: aLmich
I have to apologise about the frequency of posting for the past weeks. Other responsibilities have left me very little time to blog and the posting has not been as often as I would like. You may even be wondering: Did I miss the “Summer Vacation” blog post? Well, no, I’ll just be doing them late. It’s been very busy and tiring days at work and while anticipating the Coron Getaway. And if I follow the rules and try to do things in order I may never get a post done at all.
So here are some photo highlights from at least the 1st day said trip. All of us had a blast. Everybody has been a lot closer to each other. We then decided that we should do that more often. Everyday and every place we’ve been into have been filled with laughters and cheers.
Sadly I didn’t manage to get any photos on my own because my phone got busted. I would have taken a lot of candid photos.
Again this is the introduction for the Day 1. Expect more tomorrow. Sarap magbakasyon!

> oFF to paLawan!
Author: aLmich

> kabaYang franCis M
Author: aLmich

> wHo's to bLame?
Author: aLmich
As I was packing my things earlier in preparation for my Coron Trip tomorrow, my sister in law arrived. I couldn’t describe her face. I asked her what happened but she can’t talk and was already tearful. I decided not to push for it first and let her settle. After a while, I asked here again the same question. “Kuya nalaman nila na nanganak na ako nung nagpamedical ako, di na ako pinagpatuloy sa work ko, kasi naman ako eh” and then she cried with full of disappointment, anger and pity. I tried to calm her and told her that it’s just okay, there’ll be more opportunities for her. She had a miscarriage early this year. She’s having a hard time getting a job because she’s undergraduate and too young. One thing also is that she just came from the province and so lacks self esteem or confidence. I really felt bad because my brother [her husband who is in the province] didn’t show support and asked her to go back home instead. I was already tearful when my brother called, I took the phone and scolded him with no end. Long story short, I took charge.
On my way to work, I started contemplating.
Sometimes when we try really hard to accomplish something or to make something work, and it doesn’t in the end, we put the blame on ourselves when we shouldn’t.
One of the hard parts of life is the fact that we cannot predict the future. Sure, it would be nice to know that we end up happy and successful, but there is no looking glass that can show us this.
So what do we do? We try. We have goals and dreams and other completely random things that we want to accomplish. And sometimes these things work out the way that we plan, but sometimes they don’t. Sometimes we fail, and other times we make really big mistakes.
But guess what? You’re mortal. Just like you can’t see into the future, you can’t stop yourself from having a few mishaps every now and then.
When people make mistakes or when something doesn’t turn out like they’ve been hoping, it’s easy to wonder, “What did I do wrong?” Now, if you know, for certain, that you’re the one to blame, that’s acceptable. But if things pan out in a way that you really couldn’t control, don’t jump to blaming yourself because more than likely, it’s not your fault. When you have genuinely tried to achieve some sort of goal, whatever it may be, and it doesn’t work out for a reason that is beyond your control, you shouldn’t automatically assume that you’ve done something wrong. Be glad that you tried, that you put yourself out there, or even that you made the effort to do something that’s either difficult or out of the norm for you.
People put the blame on themselves when things go sour too often. If things haven’t gone your way recently, for whatever reason, don’t try and hurt yourself more by blaming yourself. Learn from your experiences, and never stop trying. Because, although I may not be psychic, I can predict that there are going to be many, many triumphs in your life.
To my sister in law, don’t worry too much. You’re a part of the family now. You don’t actually have to work. Just like what we told you, we can send you to school but since you decided to be “mature and responsible”- as you put it, be brave and always ask His guidance. We love you!

> Happy Birthday Kiko!
Author: aLmich
In this world, where everything seems uncertain, only one thing is definite. You’ll always be my friend, beyond words, beyond time and beyond distance.

> 2 tuLog naLang!
Author: aLmich

> wHo mE?
Author: aLmich
Who are you really? Is it how I see you now? I’ve heard it in movies, and I’m sure it’s based on real life: Why can’t you love me for who I am? or You don’t really love me for me.
Who is me? Who are we as people? Let me give you an example. Let’s say I’m single and really into work mode phase. I’m digging everything about my job, the people, the schedule the works. I also happen to be pre-occupied by my office friends this time and I’m not even thinking of having someone to be called my “love” now. I start dating someone who says he can’t date me because I can’t give him time and it’s all about my friends and family for me and that I am a pessimistic fool when it comes to meeting prospects. Very likely, I would throw back those hackneyed Hollywood lines at him: “You don’t really love me for who I am!”
I’d probably have a point, but is that who I really am? What if it all was just a phase? What if I realized that you’re worth my attention and consider getting serious? What if you have proven that you’re worth being my “one”? Would it matter to me that much? Would it matter to you?
The truth is that we all change. We are different things at different times. We all go through phases. Some of those phases, even if they’re phases we regret, still feel a part of us years or decades later. I used to love G.I. Joe as a kid. Don’t really care that much for those war toys now. If someone said she hated war toys, would I take offense? I’m not sure. I do feel in some vague way as if those war toys were part of my growing up process, but I’m also not that attached to them. I used to think that I can never be friends with straight guys but I have them now.
So do people have to put up with our current phases in order to really love us “for who we really are”? What makes us us? What exactly are they loving? The fact that we can change? The fact that we go through phases? Sticking by through thick and thin, smart and stupid? And if so, isn’t it pretty arbitrary whom you love? Couldn’t you love anyone romantically?
I don’t have any simple answers for this. Of course, on one level, yes, you could love just about anyone romantically if you were open-minded enough about it. A lot of arranged marriages are successful because the arrange couple has low expectations and realizes they’ve grown to appreciate each other over the years. At the same time, I’m not going to fall in love with Stalin or Pinochet in the hopes that mass slaughter and torture will be just a phase I will embrace later as being formative in creating a wonderful person later.
It’s complicated. You are what you do. But sometimes you aren’t.

> 4 more daYs beforE our Palawan escapaDe
Author: aLmich
Can hardly wait. Kelly, Almsie, Carlo, Gay, Z, Abhi, Oj, Al, Nina, Carol, and Mutya will soon conquer Coron, Palawan. Yeehaa!!!

> oNe finE saTurdaY
Author: aLmich
As most were getting ready to run out the door for work every morning, noticing the sun streaming through the windows and the light reflecting off dew on the trees, our “kind” will just be off for home. That is what we are, nocturnal creatures. But last Friday, our group decided to wait for the mall to open and buy our beach stuffs for our Palawan escapade this coming Saturday. Everybody’s really excited and in high spirit. We had coffee at Breton, took so many pictures, laughed our hearts out, teased and pestered the creatures around us.
It was a tiring day but a happy one first.

> birThday bLessinGs
Author: aLmich
Birthday Blessings
Joanna FuchsInstead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings,
As your birthday nears.Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
“Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!”

> noT so haPpy birThdaY
Author: aLmich
Yeah, what the title says. So basically, it’s my birthday, hooray!!
I was with Z yesterday for a Konzepto shoot. We had fun and a great time. Immediately after, we went to Serendra to meet Poknat, Lasmeyt and my Bochog [I'm Bechog by the way]. Had mojito drinks and margarita at Murray and D’vine and dinner at Claw Daddy as we waited for my birthday hour. It was really a great time spending the day and waiting for your most special day with good friends.
It was awesome! I love you people!
I slept the whole day when I got home. It was almost a perfect day for me only if Maysilo has not been breaking promises again. I just don’t get it.
If somebody promised you a candy and then broke it, would you feel bad because you did not receive the candy, or because a promise was broken again?
Haayy, maybe because that’s the risk I took geeting into a relationship again. It pains me big time if I’m being stood up or made to expect for nothing. Good thing I’m looking forward to a funful Palawan with my office friends.
As I write this, we’re texting and at the same time I’m doing my job here.
Anyway, proceed to wish me happy birthday! I’ll get over this sadness in time.

> chaRice : afTer osCar parTy : hoLLywood royaLty
Author: aLmich
As what this blog has always been featuring, here’s another one from Charice. I noticed that I get to have a lot of viewers everytime I feature her performances or anything about her. Since I really love her and adores her talent, I decided to keep track and be a part of the Charicemania. Our very own was crowned “hollywood royalty” alongside Matt Damon in a feature on E! Channel’s entertainment news program entitled “Crowning Achievements.” This is the second time Charice was featured on the Hollywood program since a video of her performing “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” became a Youtube sensation. Charice at the 81st Oscar’s After Party! She has been declared to be one of the sure-fire “one of the world’s biggest talents” next year. His mentor David Foster proudly announced that in the recently held Oscar’s After Party held at Mr Chow in Los Angeles. In this show, Charice performed a bit of her much-awaited single “Fingerprint” and two other songs. Charice sang 3 songs that night. She got everyone’s attention with her powerful rendition of “Listen” by Beyonce. Following after, she sang a newly recorded track from her upcoming USA album with David Foster entitled, “Fingerprint” which the song has an R & B vibe to it. Unfortunately, roughly a minute into the song, a technical glitch occurred and the tape skipped into the beginning strains of “I Will Survive”. Starting from the top, Charice tried to sing the same piece again only to encounter the same mishap. Foster then simply decided to move on to the next song. With only a slight blooper, she smiled to the audience as Foster praised her performance. Very professional already at young age eh?

> friendsHip tieS
Author: aLmich
A Golden Chain
Helen Steiner Rice
Friendship is a Golden Chain,
The links are friends so dear,
And like a rare and precious jewel
It’s treasured more each year…
It’s clasped together firmly
With a love that’s deep and true,
And it’s rich with happy memories
and fond recollections, too…
Time can’t destroy its beauty
For, as long as memory lives,
Years can’t erase the pleasure
That the joy of friendship gives…
For friendship is a priceless gift
That can’t be bought or sold,
But to have an understanding friend
Is worth far more than gold…
And the Golden Chain of Friendship
Is a strong and blessed tie
Binding kindred hearts together
As the years go passing by.
I always think that friends who laugh together stay together. Don’t you agree? There may be times when you are having some sort of cold vibes with your friend and suddenly your friend says something incredibly funny. You crack up and the laughter breaks the ice. It maybe the joke is too banal for anyone else to laugh at it, but that doesn’t matter, does it? There are always some inside jokes that you share with your friends and these have become part of the fabric of your friendship. The point is that you ‘get’ each other’s sense of humor.
I have some ever-green jokes that I share with my friends as well, like different lines from funny movies or jokes from stand-up comics. Or my reaction when a friend played an April Fools’ Day trick on me! And my unforgettable face when I woke up after my friends left me sleeping near the shore! Sometimes it seems as if it happened yesterday, while sometimes it seems as if the events happened in some other lifetime. It just feels so good isn't it?

> onE Lazy saTurdaY
Author: aLmich
Last week seemed to take forever and just felt like one of those really heavy weeks. I think that it started when I opened my mouth and spoke up against the "bride of Chucky". Then, I seemed to spend the remainder of the weekend trying to avoid her negative persona.
Anyways, moving on, early part of the Saturday was spent with Z and Gay as the latter searched for our Coron Palawan accomodation. Z was in high fever before we went home. Maysilo planned a date but didn't pursue so I just stayed home, watched TV and heard all the showbiz gossips, watched DVD, slept, ate and got even more fat. Ugh! I hate it.
I saw "House of flying daggers" which is easily one of my favorite movie. Amazing cinematography a great cast. This is a movie which I wished could last forever as you just seemed to become a part of it. After that I saw "Constantine" - starring Keanu Reeves. Not really the best movie that I've seen... maybe 2 and a half stars.
During those movies I also saw the trailer for that Zac Efron movie movie which looks quite good and also noticed that they've started putting up advertising for "The Da Vinci Code" sequel! That's one movie that I'm really looking forward to.
OK, my vow for next week this to forget all the negative stuff which is going on and to concentrate on some positive stuff which is coming up and again of course our Coron Palawan Adventure tops that.

> aBunda and beLo
Author: aLmich
Gay, Abhi, Z, Kelly, Almsie, Abi and I were having our [2am] lunch earlier when I opened what I have watched from weekend’s TV marathon. Dra. Vicki Belo was interviewed in Showbiz Central and left words which insulted Boy Abunda.
Dra. Vicky Belo took the hot seat for the “Gimme Mo” segment of Showbiz Central Sunday afternoon. And then she was asked to comment about her biggest rival’s claim (Calayan) that they have better-looking endorsers than Belo Medical Group. She said:
“Well, first of all, I feel kinda bad. Kasi, ako naman ang nag-umpisa ng mga bati-bati ng mga artista. I feel bad, kasi parang ginagaya lang nila ako. Sana naman, maghanap naman sila ng unique marketing… And I’d like to say, if you want to look like Boy Abunda, then go to Calayan. But if you like to look like Dingdong Dantes and Piolo Pascual, come to Belo.”
Boy Abunda gave himself a chance to react [about Vicki’s statement involving him] at his show in SNN: Showbiz News Ngayon. Boy’s statement went like this…
[Tearfully] “Nasindak po ako, na-surprise po ako, di po ako makapaniwala… kaibigan ko pong matalik si Dra. Vicky Belo for years. Vicky if you’re watching alam mo na kahit kailan hindi ako namuhunan sa gandang panlabas dahil alam ko wala ako masyado nun. Alam mo na namuhunan ako ng lakas ng loob, sipag at tiyaga, dasal, at Vicky wala akong ilusyong gumanda. At wala ring sinumang may karapatan na manlait sa aking pagkatao.”
Boy narrated that his mom called him late Sunday night from Samar and asked him if he did something wrong to Vicky Belo and why she insulted him on National TV. Boy assured her mom that he did not do anything against the famous cosmetic doctor.
“Vicky if you’re watching, you know I did not do anything bad to you to deserve this insult. Wala akong ginawa sa ‘yo. And Ma if you’re watching, wala po akong ginawa. Narating ko po ang maliit na espasyo ko dito sa industriya na wala po akong tinapakan.”
He ended his reactions as he says “At mga kaibigan, hindi po tayo kinakailangang kasing-ganda o kasing-gwapo ni Dingdong Dantes para maging masaya at para maging mabuting tao.”
I can’t embed Boy Abunda’s reply to this so please follow this link - http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e68/owl4ever/starmo/?action=view¤t=boyvsbelo-1.flv

> bookerS : keLLy's mgT traininG
Author: aLmich
You know how excited is everyone for our Palawan Escapade? Let these pictures do the talking… Nagbu-book palang ‘yan.
While Gay books online, Nina is also busy booking for another airline. Ang mga miron nasa likod lang, taga-komento, pang-gulo.

> wHich is whicH?, wHen is whEn?
Author: aLmich
As I was preparing for work earlier, I overheard my hipag [forgot the english term] commenting about the issue being tackled over the news. It was the issue of sex education and how or when it should really be introduced to the youth and how the abortion rate has been increasing every year. She was the one who had a miscarriage the last time I went home to the province so somehow I understand.
I met H again for coffee [of course my regular readers know the real score]. Just like most of our conversations, we had a “good” time debating about the said issue. His argument is quite different from mine which I really don’t understand. I know him and how he treat and view things… which flares him everytime I bring up the topic. He would usually make an excuse saying that I should be rational. That what were talking about is the majority and what should be the norm. “Ours is different okay?” And so his usual lines of excuses…
What is obscenity? When is someone a child? When does someone reach the age of consent? At what stage during pregnancy does human life begin? Is it music or noise? Or both?
Much of the debates in public life is about drawing arbitrary lines between labels. Some people think if you allow gays to marry, that’s only one step away from allowing people to marry more than one person legally or marry their pets legally. Others think it’s the logical next step after getting rid of miscegenation laws. Some people think human life begins at conception [when the sperm and egg meet]. Others think it happens some time in the middle of the pregnancy. In many places, the age of consent is 18 years of age. So a 17-year-old in a sexually explicit film is legally the victim of child pornography but an 18-year-old in the same film is a consenting adult in a legitimate industry. He thinks that because he already said sorry, I should accept him and the fact that he’s got another one in his life.
We all know that lines can get blurry and, in fact, much of life isn’t about lines but appreciating spectra and variation. One person may reach adulthood at age 13. Another may reach it at age 23. Still another may not reach it ever. One group of people may consider a certain film art, and another group of people may consider the same film obscenity.
The real problem we face is a discomfort with blurriness, spectra, and variation when it comes to law. We already have many “it depends” situations in law, and we don’t want to have an “it depends” that can’t be spelled out in advance, for some reason. If one 12-year-old is old enough to drive, how can you make the case that another 12-year-old is not old enough to drive? Why does your opinion about each kid’s maturity and skill matter in deciding? Instead, the state decides arbitrarily that 15 or 16 or 18 is the cut-off point where someone under that age doesn’t have the physical and mental maturity to handle a motor vehicle, and someone above that age supposedly does.
It is not an excuse to say that “he has been so good to me although I don’t love him anymore, I can’t just easily leave him and be with you”. The mere fact that you don’t love him and - “It’s you I love now” is enough to end what’s between you and him. It’s gonna be painful but that’s the way how life goes.I don’t have an easy answer. I do think my 7-year-old cousin, no matter how “mature,” is too young to have sex. And I do think that almost all 50-year-olds, no matter how “immature”, are likely to know what they’re getting into if they engage in sex. I know if we draw a line in between that it’ll be arbitrary and if we don’t draw a line, we’ll basically be condoning pedophilia. Same deal with abortion. If I kill an egg and sperm that have just started dividing into two cells and four cells, I don’t really think I’ve murdered a human being [yes, some fringe conservatives on the extreme right might disagree with me, and I would concede in a British accent that “every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good”]. But I also don’t think there’s a definite line you can draw in the middle of a pregnancy that is when human life “begins.” There isn’t a moment. Nor was there a moment when I changed from child to adult. I know when I was 6, I was a child. I know now after 20 I’m an adult. But it’s not as if there was one day or even one year that I can say was the threshold I crossed that changed me from child to adult.
As I said before, there are no easy answers. Nevertheless, people should also stop looking for them. There often is no line in life, even if we must draw a line in the law.
There is no easy relationship. There is no easy discussion if both won’t be open to understand each others views. So how did the “coffee date” turn up? We separated just trying to not to yell at each other. Pathetic.
Just don’t say words you can’t “mean”.

> taMariTis
Author: aLmich
Katamaran. Laziness.
Every now and then I’ll have a day when I’m completely apathetic about everything. The idea of being productive makes my brain hurt. These little funks can be extremely frustrating, especially when I have tons to do. I can still remember how my Match teacher - Nimfa Yyance would scold me if I don’t assignment or has been absent for days, “sinumpong ka na naman ng tamaris mo!” Last Monday I was up at work trying to get stuffs done, when a sudden wave of sosyal na tamaritis - “don’t-want-to-do-anything-itis” hit hard. This state of mind came at a really inconvenient time, seeing that I had a lot of works to be finished as well as some encoding to do. Consequently, I became frustrated and even more apathetic about wanting to do anything.
Have you ever had one of these days? Thank God I can now take control of these things. You want to know how? Here are 4 things you can do that will help get you back on track when you don’t want to do anything.
Picture was taken during our department’s Anawangin Escapade. I fell asleep while we were talking and so they took this. I’d like to go back there. Kelan ba ulit Joanne? Trust me, it’s paradise.
- Take a walk outside. By taking a walk outside, you can clear your head of all the frustration and angst you might be feeling. It gives you time to think and to work off some of that apathy that has consumed your soul. I also think being outside in the fresh air and sun resyncs’s your body and mind to a more natural state. Being cooped up in a building with florescent lighting probably isn’t conducive to apathy free living. Since I work night shift, you’ll find me visiting my friend’s place near the workplace just to wear out the katamaran.
Journal. Writing about why you’re not in the mood to do anything is a great way to work through apathy. Just bust out a notebook and start writing about how you don’t want to do anything and why you feel that way. Don’t think about it too hard. Just free write. After about 10 minutes, you’ll see the source of your “don’t-want-to-do-anything-itis” and you’ll feel much better. Maybe those teenage emo kids are on to something… - Review your goals. When apathy strikes, take some time review your goals. This will help motivate you to get started again. Best example of course is this blog.
- Do less demanding tasks. Instead of trying to use brute force to get an important task done when you’re not in the mood to work, try easing yourself into work mode by doing less demanding tasks first. For example, you could organize your desk, schedule your week, or respond to emails. By doing less demanding tasks first, you benefit in two ways: 1) it will help ease you into the working state of mind and 2) you’ll at least get some stuff done.
So there, I hope I made sense.

> whiLe you'rE aFar
Author: aLmich
Nothing pains the heart more than being separated from your honey. Maybe a job or a family crisis has forced you apart. Perhaps it’s just a temporary departure from each other; for some, the situation is permanent and must be adapted to. Whatever the circumstance, maintaining a long-distance relationship can be very difficult and taxing for couples. But while this scenario can be challenging and put a relationship to the test, it can be done and there are scores of people that are in this predicament and make it work successfully.
Most express difficulty coping with loneliness and boredom, and some report developing insecurities and fears about their partner’s seeking solace with other men; others worry of the potential for their relationship to crumble because of the distance itself posing a barrier to solidifying emotional intimacy, usually afforded more easily by face-to-face contact and daily living experience.
Let’s face it—nothing compares to having your partner by your side. But the fact remains, we need to continue living, we need to be practical and rational. I have suggested these to some friends.
Identify your triggers to loneliness and take advantage of this time to pursue purposeful activities that will help you grow as a person.
Keep your talks with your partner on the positive and upbeat slant. Don’t use your precious time together lamenting about the pain and injustice of being apart. This could define all your contacts with a negative aura and make the potential for emotional distancing from each other that much more possible. Give each other lots of positive affirmations and share what you appreciate. Keep the romance alive and realize that you have control over the climate of your relationship.
Live your life the way you used to. Hang out with friends, party, enjoy and be happy. Build your support system with positive people who will validate what you’re going through rather than feed you doom-and-gloom. There’s no point succumbing to your loneliness. Just know where to draw the line.
Living apart from your significant other can be quite a downer, but the important thing to remember is to avoid placing too much emphasis on the separation and instead channel that energy toward rejuvenating and feeding your relationship to the best extent you can, limitations and all! Nothing sucks the joy out of a relationship faster than having a negative mindset and swimming in pain and grief.
Long-distance relationships can work as well as any relationship, they just require extra doses of attention and understanding. So hang in there, take control of your life and make the most of a difficult situation, and before you know it you’ll be in your baby’s arms again.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

> a diFficuLt yOu
Author: aLmich
How do you label someone who hates co-existing with others? who tends to be the object of hatred of most of his co-workers? who from one company to another has gathered many enemies? who belittle his boss’ capability and almost everybody in the workplace? who wears his “I am superME” engraved tiara, who would usually explain himself as a misunderstood individual and yet all those people say the same thing to him? comment the same thing? who takes pride making “pahaging” and calls everybody “tanga”, saying that this peson is “so” and I am “so”? who stabs you from behind? who couldn’t even realize that if majority of the people say the same thing about him, it’s maybe about time to think things over? to accept the fact that maybe he’s really got a BIG problem?
The workplace is an environment that nearly each and every person will have to get used to in their lifetime. Almost any career or job you can think of will require you to be around co-workers, which is just fine, until you find that one co-worker that is a real pain to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
We all know this scenario first hand. You find a good job, decent pay, and you get comfortable with your work environment, schedule, and the overall work you do. It may not be a “Dream” job, but it is better than working in a sweatshop.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, that “one” co-worker comes around and, out of nowhere, they rain on your parade, and at times, push you to your limits. These are the people that lack essential social and interpersonal skills in their lives, and they bring this issue to the workplace, thus ruining the comfort and pride you once had in your work.
A difficult person is not the same as an angry person, although a difficult person can be, and often is, angry. A difficult person is not just one who engages in debate or stands up for what he or she believes. A difficult person is characterized by being unreasonable. To be fair and to avoid casting labels on people, all people can be difficult at times. But if everybody looks at you that way? Man, you are really a difficult one.
For some people, being difficult appears to be in their “nature”. Some people actually get joy and satisfaction from arguing, criticizing, condemning and complaining. Some people are conditioned to be that way due to a lifetime of negative experiences; being difficult is their defense. Others just want to be heard; they want a sympathetic ear and someone who will give them the attention they desire. Others may also have a sad life. Alone. Miserable. These people tend to project a strong character but is really an insecure and pitiful being inside. They need help, attention and understanding. No excuse, however, can justify the unyielding and irrational behavior of a difficult person.
Ideally, avoiding difficult people is better than dealing with them. However, when mere avoidance is not possible or practical, it’s about time to DEAL with them.

> I Love You : 3 worDs and 100 waYs
Author: aLmich
I’m on the stage of saying these words now. I am in love and yeah, I am.
I love you.
Simple words. Just three simple words… but they mean so much. In the beginning of a relationship, it’s all you can think about. When will he say it? How will he say it? Is he feeling it yet? Why is it taking so long? And God forbid he says it too soon. Or you say it first and he doesn’t return it. With those three words, timing is everything.
You have to be confident of the “I love you return.” What happens when you say it too soon and it isn’t returned? It just hangs out there, a big silence waiting to be filled. If you say those three words and he doesn’t return them, where do you go from there? Do you break up? Wait a little longer and hope he eventually says them? And how much resentment will build up in that short time span?
Love is not something that has to be returned. It is something you feel, deep in your heart. If I love someone, that is a gift. It is my happiness and he cannot take it away from me no matter how he feels. But there’s a time to feel it and a time to actually say the words, and the two don’t necessarily coincide.
So many people wait for that one big moment — a moment when they look at the other person and know, without a doubt, that it is love. But what I am proposing today is that there is no one big moment. Love is not something that “just happens.” It is something that begins to build from the moment you meet the person and continues throughout the relationship.
You see someone across the room. There’s an instant attraction. One of you makes the first move and you find yourself talking. The connection is immediate. He takes your number and you wait for that first phone call. Then the first date. The first kiss, first… everything else. He’s on your mind every day; in fact, during this early stage you’re probably more enamored by him than you will be years down the road, when your only thoughts of him are to wonder if he remembered to pick up the dry cleaning on the way home.
But it’s not really love. Not yet. That’s what some people say anyway. True love takes time. How long, though? Two months? Six months? A year?
As long as it takes for you to be comfortable saying the words. The truth is, you began the process of falling in love the instant you laid eyes on each other. Oh sure, it wasn’t love. More like lust which turned to infatuation which brought on more lust… But, if it continues, it’s all part of that gradual process of falling in love.
When was the first moment I knew I was in love with him? I don’t really know, actually:
We met once and began texting after few weeks. We were not even flirting. I don’t really know how it all happened. All I know is that were just texting and talking and then eventually we both feel IT. I know it’s too early to say and claim things but I’m not gonna let this confusions be the hindrance for me to say “I Love You” because I really do.
You know the funny thing? It was only this morning that we shared our true names. Just 7 or 8 blog entries before I wrote about my Single Relationship now I’m here. Funny and I don’t care!
Lemme share you this also. 100 ways to say I Love You.
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak [to male]
Arabic - Ana behibek [to female]
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M’bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T’estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru [to male]
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki’
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S’agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha Au Ia`oe
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah [to female]
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha [to male]
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
*** Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ [represents position of fingers when signing’I Love You’]
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun [to male]
Thai - Phom rak khun [to female]
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo [the best way]
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em [to female]
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh [to male]
Welsh - ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
My favorite? The Pandacan way - Syota na kita!!! Siyota na kita Angelbert Aguilar.